


Grant H. Flint International Scholarship Program

Completed applications must be received by the Chapter no later than May 1st of the current calendar year. The Keystone SWANA Scholarship Committee will select one applicant to submit to the International Scholarship Committee for review.


Schedule for Selection

May 1 — Deadline for submission of application materials to Chapter Scholarship Committee

June 2 — Deadline for submission of chapter candidates for review by International Scholarship Committee

July — International Scholarship Committee meets to select winners

August 1–15 — Announcement of International Scholarship winners


Category I: Graduating high school seniors or graduate equivalent certified candidates who have been accepted for enrollment in a junior college, a four-year college, or a university (any program). To be eligible, candidates must be the children or grandchildren of a SWANA Member (sponsor) in good standing as of May 1st of the current calendar year.

Apply for the Category I Scholarship – COMING SOON

Category II: Currently enrolled full-time college or university students who are entering their junior or senior undergraduate year and pursuing a degree in environmental science, engineering, or other suitable major related to the field of solid waste management. To be eligible, candidates must be the children or grandchildren of a SWANA Member (sponsor) in good standing as of May 1st of the current calendar year or SWANA Student Members in good standing.

Apply for the Category II Scholarship – COMING SOON

Harvey W. Gershman Scholarship

Named for a co-founder and owner of Gershman, Brickner, & Bratton, Inc., (GBB), this scholarship is awarded to full-time university students pursuing a degree in studies applicable to the field of solid waste or resource management and intending to seek employment in the industry.

Criteria for selection

Students from Northeastern University are particularly encouraged to apply, but all Category II scholarship applicants may also be considered for this prestigious award.

Apply for the Harvey W. Gershman Scholarship – COMING SOON




Category I

Matthew Casey

Matthew is studying Biomedical Engineering at Messiah University. He was sponsored by his father, Andrew Casey, of Eagle Disposals of PA.

Chloe Moser

Chloe is studying Biology/Premedical Studies at Lebanon Valley College. She was sponsored by her father, David Moser, of Delaware County Solid Waste Authority.

Ryann Pope

Chloe is studying Early Childhood Education and Environmental Science at Juniata College. She was sponsored by her mother, Katrina Pope, of Centre County Recycling and Refuse Authority.

Hayden Wigle

Hayden is studying Geobiology at Penn State University Park. He was sponsored by his father, Shawn Wigle, of the City of Pittsburgh.


Category II

Luke Moser

Luke is studying Civil Engineering at York College of Pennsylvania. He was sponsored by his father, David Moser of Delaware County Solid Waste Authority.

Nicholas Wigle

Nicholas is studying Environmental Resource Management at Penn State University. He was sponsored by his father, Shawn Wigle, of the City of Pittsburgh.

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© Pennsylvania Keystone Chapter of SWANA | Affiliated with SWANA, Inc.